Children & Youth


A non-staffed nursery is located in the back of the sanctuary and is open for use before, during and after church. It is for children birth - 2 years old on Sunday and birth - 3 years old on Wednesday. It can also be utilized for any children that may get a little "wiggly" or noisy during the church service.

The church service can be heard on a speaker in the nursery.


Kinder Church

3 years old - 1st Grade

Kinder Church meets after Praise and Worship on Sundays.

Children in Kinder Church learn Bible Truths that teach more in depth about who God and Jesus are. The children also begin to learn they can apply the Bible in their everyday life. They continue to learn how much Jesus loves them! Bible Truths are taught using puppet skits, pictures, props, short videos, a craft and activities.

Children's Church

2nd - 5th Grade

Children's Church meets after Praise and Worship on Sundays.

Children in Children's Church learn in more detail the Word of God and how they can continue applying and living it out in their daily lives. The Bible Truth lessons are taught using puppet skits, object lessons, drama skits, short videos, and games.


Children's Church

4 years - 5th Grade

Children's Church meets during Wednesday night church service and is a combined class of the ages stated.

The children will learn Biblical truths from the Word of God. Various activities are used to help teach the Bible Truth.

Children's Church does not meet the 1st Wednesday of the month.


6th - 12th Grade

The youth group meets on Wednesday nights during the Wednesday night church service.

The youth are taught the Word of God in a Bible study style with teaching, reading and discussion. The youth also fellowship with fun and games.

Youth does not meet the 1st Wednesday of the month.